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{{mediaCurIdx+1}} / {{detail.image.length}}

{{detail.title}} On Pre-sale

${{detail.price_us}} Free
Bonus: ${{detail.commission_us}}
Extra bonus for testing
Applied {{detail.apply_quantity}}
Total {{detail.total_quantity}}
Parameters (For reference only)
{{item.name}}: {{item1}}
  • {{item.name}} ({{item.email}}) has applied
  • {{item.name}} ({{item.email}}) has applied
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1, The Application Process Will Take Less Than 2 Minutes With 3 Steps In Total!
2, Each Customer Can Only Request One Free Test Toy Program Per Month!
How To Apply
Product Details
Click "Apply" button.
The Free Testing Program is a benefit for valued Utimi VIP members. If you are not yet a UTIMI member, please register first and read the Free Testing Policy carefully!
Upload Profile Link
Submit your Amazon Public Profile Link.
To ensure true, fast and secure product testing, you will get our test products on Amazon, upload your Amazon Public Profile Link to confirm you have an Amazon account.
How to get your Amazon Public Profile Link?
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View the video tutorial.
Step 1: For PC and mobile users, please open the Amazon "Your Public Profile" page link in the browser:
Step 2: Open the link, if it jumps to the Amazon login page, please login first. After successfully opening the Amazon "Your Public Profile" page, please copy the link in the address bar of your browser, for example:
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Step 3: Paste the link into our input box, and then click "Last Step" to verify. The link is for verification purposes only, we don't share it with anyone.
Place Orders On Amazon
Please follow our requirements to buy our testing products on Amazon.
Why order?
Purchase with your own advance, which is equivalent to a deposit, to ensure that you can faithfully fulfill your commitment, i.e., complete testing and and feedback on the product, and we will give you a full refund of the product, which belongs to you and does not need to be returned.
We will refund the full amount of the order to you (PayPal or Amazon Gift Card) based on the actual transaction amount.
Feedback testing report for full refund.
After successfully submitting your order, we will review your order and contact you, please pay attention to check your email.
If the order payment fails, we will contact you. If the order payment is successful, please test our products promptly after you receive the goods and give us feedback on your test report, we will pay you a full refund after we receive the test report.
The application process will take less than 2 minutes with 3 steps in total! Current product is on pre-sale, please verify your email address and we will notify you by email when the product is on sale. You will get our test products on Amazon, upload your Amazon Public Profile Link to confirm you have an Amazon account. We don't share it with anyone.
100% Refund Guarantee
100% Secure & Private
Fast Delivery Within 3-5 days
Agree with our Testing Policy
How to get your Amazon Public Profile Link?
Last Step
${{detail.price_us}} (The price is for reference only.)
Video tutorial for order
User Feedback
FAQ video
Tips: Shopping by search keyword will improve the security and rating of your Amazon account.
Copy and paste the keyword into the Amazon search box to search, find it on the page {{curKeyword.page}} of search results and order it.
Can't find it, please copy the another keyword and search it again, find it on the page {{curKeyword.page}} of search results and order it.
If you can't find it, you can open the product page and order it.
Open and Order
{{curKeyword.keyword}} Copy and Open Amazon Copy and Re-search
You must place an order with the Amazon account corresponding to the uploaded Profile Link.
Amazon Gift Card
Thanks for your Join our FREE TESTING program!Utimi reviewing your order, We will contact you by Email ASAP, please add our email {{detail.email}} to your contact for refund and support.
Get it
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View the video tutorial.
Step 1: For PC and mobile users, please open the Amazon "Your Public Profile" page link in the browser:
Step 2: Open the link, if it jumps to the Amazon login page, please login first. After successfully opening the Amazon "Your Public Profile" page, please copy the link in the address bar of your browser, for example:
Failed to load
Failed to load
Step 3: Paste the link into our input box, and then click "Last Step" to verify. The link is for verification purposes only, we don't share it with anyone.
I See
  • Can't find it, copy the new keyword and re-search.
    Copy and Re-search
  • Still can't find, click to buy directly.
    Buy Now
  • Found it and order successfully.
    Ordered Successfully
  • Found it but couldn't buy it.
    Cannot Purchase
Please copy the code below for the email title and content.
{{userEmailCode}} Copy
Please send an email to the email address below.
{{userSendEmail}} Send Copy
When you have successfully sent the email, please click the button below.
I have sent ({{testUserEmailCodeTime}}S) I have sent
Sorry, the system did not receive your email, please send it again.
Please copy and paste the link address of any product (not advertised product) on our keyword search result page to open our product page.
How to copy the product link?

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You must be 18 years of age or older to view the site. Please verify your age to enter.